I think one has to act up and show his opinion in his own medium - in our case to initiate and do the exhibition and the website:


images against war

Friends, photographers and artists related in the past 17 years to Galerie Lichtblick and 10 years of Int. Fototage Herten and friends from festivals in Arles, Houston, Perpignan, Plovdiv, Portland, Rotterdam, and their friends and and their friends and… were invited to give their visual statement against war.

The exhibition shows works of 567 artists.

Thanks to all of you
Tina Schelhorn


Tip: Use arrow keys to navigate through the work of


IAW exhibition at the Peace Museum/Chicago

Sept. 2006 - April 2007



images for indochina II

Auction of photographs, vietnamese paintings and works on paper, rare books and posters, donated to the Indochina Memorial Foundation in support of photojournalism workshops in vietnam. More info and download auction catalog. Organized by Horst Faas, AP London