Lori Grinker

lives in NYC, USA

© Lori Grinker

© Lori Grinker

© Lori Grinker

Afterwar: Veterans from a World in Conflict

1 - I believed it was in my contract, that if you're maimed or wounded during your service in a war, you would be taken care of. Now, lying here, I feel like a prisoner of war.
Country: United States
Born: 1959
Served: U.S. Navy
Conflict: Persian Gulf War 1990-91
Affected by Gulf War Syndrome, Gary Zuspann lives in a special enclosed environment in his parent's home in Waco, Texas, USA, 1993
2- When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait for my chance to be a soldier. It's crazy, it's a sickness … but back then I thought that was the only way to survive here.
Country: Israel
Born: 1960
Served: Israeli Defense Forces
Conflict: Israeli Invasion of Lebanon 1982-85
Dani Shimoni in the pool at Beit Halochem, (Warrior’s Home) in Tel Aviv, Israel, 1995
3 - We got as far as Viazma when the train was bombed. That’s when my hair turned gray. There were casualties everywhere.
Country: Russia
Born: 1923
Served: Soviet Union’s Red Army
Conflict: World War II 1939-45
Inna Kvitko with her first uniform in her apartment in Moscow, Russia, 1999