Misako Oba

lives and works in Tokyo, Japan, now from New York

© Misako Oba

© Misako Oba

© Misako Oba

- The Day of "World Says No to War", New York, Feb.15, 2003

#1. The earth is one... should be a beautiful world.
Is it impossible to unite? Our life is blurring now, but keep on going anyway.
We have to avoid this horrible war situation

#2. I noticed that there were a lot of babies and
children in a rally to protest war in New York.
It was freezing day! The temperature was minus 5 degree.
Babies and children who will live next generation are too young to understand what's going on now. Innocent people will be killed if the war occurs. Parents took them to the rally to appeal.

#3. A mother appeals "Against War" to the public in a subway in New York City, carrying hand-made Chinese red Dragon.

© Misako Oba

© Misako Oba

© Misako Oba